Running k-Means Clustering on Spark with Cloudera in your Machine

Here are some steps to start using Spark. You can download a VirtualBox and a Cloudera Hadoop distribution and start testing it locally on your machine.


Download example that uses MLLIB furnished by Spark.

Create a kmeans_data.txt file that looks like this:

0.0 0.0 0.0
0.1 0.1 0.1
0.2 0.2 0.2
9.0 9.0 9.0
9.1 9.1 9.1
9.2 9.2 9.2

Download VirtualBox.

Download Cloudera CDH5 trial version.
Open VirtualBox, import the downloaded Cloudera's Virtual Box and run it.

Inside VirtualBox:

1 - (needs internet access) Install python numpy library. In a terminal, type:

$ sudo yum install numpy

2 - Copy kmeans_data.txt and to /home/cloudera/ (or wherever you want)

3 - Launch Cloudera Enterprise Trial by clicking on an icon on Cloudera's Desktop or run this command:

$ sudo cloudera-manager --force --enterprise

4 - Open Cloudera Manager Webinterface on your browser. Here are the credentials for that:

user: cloudera
password: cloudera

5 - Start HDFS on ClouderaManager Webinterface (on your browser)

6 - Start Spark on ClouderaManager Webinterface (on your browser)

7 - Put the kmeans_data.txt into HDFS. Run:

$ hadoop fs -put kmeans_data.txt

8 - Run the Spark job locally with 2 threads:

$ spark-submit --master local[2]

7 - Get the result from HDFS, and put it in your current directory:

$ hadoop fs -get KMeansModel/*

8 - The result will be stored in parquet. Read the result with parquet-tools:

$ parquet-tools cat KMeansModel/data/part-r-000..

Here is an example output of what this command should give:

Small note: While running these steps,  errors might appear in some part of the process due to initialization timing issues. I know that is a annoying advice, but if that happens just try running the command again in a couple of minutes. Also, you have to change the location of the kmeans_data.txt file inside to point it to your data, and also maybe change where the output will be written (target/org/apache/spark/PythonKMeansExample/KMeansModel).


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