Overview of Digital Cloning

Introduction The growth of the image processing and editing software availability has made it easy to manipulate digital images. With the amount of digital content being generated nowadays, developing techniques to verify the authenticity and integrity of digital content might be essential to provide truthful evidences in a forensics case. In this context, copy-move is a type of forgery in which a part of an image is copied and pasted somewhere else in the same image . This forgery might be particularly challenging to discover due to properties like illumination and noise matching on the source and the tampered regions. An example of copy-move forgery can be seen in picture 1. First we can see the original image, followed by the tampered one, and then a picture with the indication of the cloned areas. Several techniques have been proposed to solve this problem. The Block-based methods [1] divide an image in blocks of pixels and compare them to find a forgery. Ke...